What is Reiki

Ok so I’m not going to go into the science and theory of Reiki and why you should try it. There are people far more eloquent in that than I. But what I can tell you is what Reiki is to me, so here goes.
I got nudged towards Reiki by the Angels to give to others. Hey I’m healthy and happy what would I need it for?? So I researched it and was lucky enough to already have a spiritual mentor who also happened to be a Reiki Master and Teacher who started to run her own courses. Now, in learning I had to receive, and well mind blown! I’m now lucky enough to be able to do it on myself and I receive monthly at a Reiki support group I go to. Now I’ve been to a few spas in my time but I can honestly say receiving Reiki is one of the most relaxing and yet energising experiences I have ever had. It’s like waves of calmness lapping over you and just a beautiful sense that everything is going to be just fine. Aches and pains from the day spent sitting at a desk and doing the chores melt away and my body feels, well free.
I have been lucky enough through my journey to give Reiki to people for lots of reasons, some I know to begin with i.e. migraine or bad back, but others I don’t know about, like stress and sadness. I feel the energy guiding me to where I need to go, and what advice I need to give the client afterwards. And my reward is seeing beautiful swirls of deep purple tinged with electric blue that tells me my Third Eye is open and I am protected by Archangel Michael. The feedback I receive about the effect the Reiki has had validates that this truly is a wonderful gift. Seeing people come in with pain and leaving without, watch the burdens lift from their shoulders so when they get off the couch they stand straighter than when they got on it, seeing a sad shy smile become one of pure joy! I can’t tell you how uplifting that is.
Now, what we can’t do as practitioners is diagnose, that’s what we have the good old NHS for. Neither do we say we will heal you. But the Reiki energy, and it is Reiki energy not our own, travels from the universe, through our auras and out of our hands into the client for their highest good. It’s amazing at reducing pain including arthritic, gynaecological and back pain, for supporting your body through medical treatment, for self-healing. It’s also great for emotional distress, anxiety, depression and insomnia. It can help you overcome entrenched behaviours like addiction and let go of emotions that don’t serve your highest good like guilt and shame. It can help you concentrate and clear your head to help you see what you need to do to face that challenge head on. It can calm and sooth you. So the worst you will get is a deep relaxing experience and who doesn’t need that their life! The best you will get is freedom from what ever is holding you back, be it physical, emotional or spiritual. We all need to practice more self-care and wherever you are in your look after yourself journey, you can’t make a better choice than Reiki!
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